HomeTagsOMODA E5


Chery Malaysia to reward Olympic medal winners with SUVs

There’s extra motivation for our athletes heading to the upcoming Olympic Games - Paris 2024 in France next month (July 2 – August 11)...

Chery Malaysia to launch OMODA E5 EV on March 6, bookings accepted now

Most of the Chinese brands that have entered the Malaysia market in the last two years started off with electric vehicles (EVs) as the...

First Chery Eco Run in Malaysia attracts over 3,400 participants

The first Chery Eco Run held recently in Putrajaya attracted more than 3,400 participants. The event was held by the Chinese automotive brand to...

Next public appearance of Chery OMODA E5 EV this Sunday

Over the past year, the Malaysian car market has seen an influx of new brands from China (and some more are coming this year!)....

Chery OMODA E5 EV keeps Christmas tree lights twinkling

Out in the jungle camping and want the Christmas spirit at your campsite with twinkling lights on a Christmas tree? You could get electricity...

Chery Malaysia opens flagship 4S outlet in Johor

While Chery is no stranger in Malaysia (having entered the market 20 years ago), its direct involvement in the brand’s business activities in the...

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