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Tag: chery malaysia

Chery Tiggo 7 PRO launched in Malaysia

Another SUV has joined the Chery range in Malaysia, this being the smaller brother of the Tiggo 8 PRO - the Tiggo 7 PRO....

Chery Malaysia to reward Olympic medal winners with SUVs

There’s extra motivation for our athletes heading to the upcoming Olympic Games - Paris 2024 in France next month (July 2 – August 11)...

Chery OMODA 5 rear axle issue – 600 units potentially affected

UPDATE ON May 11, 2024: Chery Malaysia says it has contacted 59 of the 60 units which are confirmed to have the rear axle...

Chery Malaysia’s statement on rear axle failure on OMODA 5

After responding to an earlier issue with the brakes of an OMODA 5, Chery Malaysia has another problem to resolve after an owner named...

PUSPAKOM statement regarding inspection of Chery SUV

Responding to concerns expressed by certain parties concerning the involvement of PUSPAKOM in the case regarding the Chery SUV which the owner said had...

No problems with brake system of Chery OMODA 5

When a customer has a problem with a product – be it a washing machine, mobilephone or car – he or she expects the...

Exclusive colour for Chery TIGGO 8 PRO

A hundred years ago, car-buyers had a limited number of colour choices and if you bought a Ford Model T between 1914 and 1925,...

Chery Malaysia previews TIGGO 7 PRO, priced under RM130,000

Chery, the top passenger vehicle exporter in China, has added another model to its range for the Malaysian market. This is the smaller TIGGO...

New Chery outlet opens in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

When Chery made plans to enter the Malaysian market again, it wanted to make sure that it would have a presence all over the...

Chery’s Extra Peace of Mind package saves money in the long run

These are times of increasing financial challenges as the cost of living goes up. Thankfully, the government helps to keep petrol (RON95) and diesel...

Chery Malaysia to launch OMODA E5 EV on March 6, bookings accepted now

Most of the Chinese brands that have entered the Malaysia market in the last two years started off with electric vehicles (EVs) as the...

Extra value for your old Chery when you trade-in for a new one

Though many Malaysians may be hearing about Chery for the first time, the brand was actually here 20 years ago for some years. In...

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