PUSPAKOM statement regarding inspection of Chery SUV

Responding to concerns expressed by certain parties concerning the involvement of PUSPAKOM in the case regarding the Chery SUV which the owner said had brake problems, the company has issued the following statement this evening:

“It has come to PUSPAKOM’s Sdn. Bhd.’s attention that there are concerns regarding the role of PUSPAKOM in addressing vehicle issues, particularly in a case where a customer was dissatisfied with the brake performance of a vehicle that was recently purchased. Subsequently, the vehicle was brought to PUSPAKOM to perform brake performance check, after other checks undertaken by the brand owner.

PUSPAKOM understands the importance of trust and impartiality in vehicle inspections and has been upholding stringent inspection standards, ensuring the safety and compliance of vehicles without bias. Our commitment to impartiality is reflected in our conduct, processes and procedures, which are designed to maintain the highest level of integrity and reliability in our practices.

It is incorrect to suggest that car brands in Malaysia are using PUSPAKOM to hide vehicle issues. We wish to clarify that PUSPAKOM’s main role is to conduct inspections to certify vehicles that come for inspection at our inspection centre comply with the roadworthiness standards established by Malaysian authorities.

In the case mentioned, the vehicle’s brake system had shown that its brake performance meets global standards, ensuring the vehicle can stop safely within a defined distance. “PUSPAKOM’s vehicle inspection processes are accredited and certified by Malaysian Standards and MS ISO and the inspection standards are based on benchmarks set by the local authorities and UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations. They are also recommended by CITA (International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee), an international body mainly and actively involves in formulating and recommending road vehicle inspection standards and best practices,” says Mahmood Razak Bahman, Chief Executive Officer of PUSPAKOM.

It is important to note that PUSPAKOM does not diagnose mechanical faults. Instead, our inspections provide readings and results that serve as indications of any potential faults, which then require further diagnosis by manufacturers or qualified mechanics.

Manufacturers have a crucial role in ensuring the quality and safety of their vehicles. It is their responsibility to deliver on the promises made to customers, including providing vehicles that meet performance expectations.

PUSPAKOM inspection

Ultimately, vehicle inspection is to help the vehicle owners to ensure that their vehicles are safe and roadworthy, as well as comply with the required standards under the Road Transport Act 1987. The fact is PUSPAKOM’s vehicle inspection is conducted based on the vehicle’s actual condition at the time of inspection.

As an inspection body with a 3-decade dedication to impartiality in performing independent vehicle inspection, PUSPAKOM maintains an open-door policy for any manufacturer to test their vehicle’s roadworthiness. It is crucial to emphasise that our inspections aim to provide transparent and tangible information to consumers. This commitment helps ensure that Malaysian consumers are well-informed and their interests are safeguarded.”

For more information on PUSPAKOM, visit www.puspakom.com.my.

No problems with brake system of Chery OMODA 5

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