Perodua has been offering free Tweckbot services since 2011

The Perodua Tweckbot team will be in Melaka this weekend to provide Perodua owners a free check of 50+ points of their vehicle. The location will be at Lotus’s Melaka Cheng and they will be there until March 10, 2024. Those who come for the free service can also get a 20% discount voucher on any parts and service when they visit an authorised Perodua service centre for their next service.

Perodua Tweckbot [2024]

First introduced in 2011
The Tweckbot service has been ongoing since July 2011 when it was first introduced in the Klang Valley area, but quickly extended to Penang, Ipoh and Johor Bahru. An initiative by the Malaysian carmaker to give customers peace of mind by ensuring their vehicles are in good condition, Tweckbot also contributes to road safety as vehicles will be good and safe running condition.

Thus, Perodua has typically had Tweckbot campaigns around the time of major festive periods when many people will be travelling long distances to their hometowns or on holiday. The inspection service has even extended to East Malaysia.

Perodua Tweckbot vehicle [2011]
The original Tweckbot vehicle when the free inspection service started in July 2011.
From 15 to 50+ checkpoints
When Tweckbot was first introduced, the  inspection covered only 15 points, mainly in areas related to driving safety. This was then increased to 20 points and today, the checklist covers 50+ points. The inspection covers the engine, transmission, coolant system (include coolant level as well as fan and temperature) and brake system checks. Other items inspected are the power steering, tyres, suspension and electrical system.

Perodua Tweckbot

At the end of each vehicle inspection, the owner will be told of the condition of his or her vehicle. Should there be something serious that should be attended to, the owner will be advised to go to the nearest Perodua service centre to have it rectified and a discount is also available. This should certainly be welcome by any owner as it would avoid unnecessary inconvenience during a journey if the vehicle breaks down or worse, something fails and an accident occurs.

Perodua Alza for Tweckbot service [2011]

Original concept revised
The original concept of Tweckbot had mobile teams going to locations specified by owners. This was when Perodua had just started using social media and those who followed the Perodua account on Twitter (now known as X) could post a tweet to request for a Tweckbot inspection.

While the idea of going to the locations of vehicle owners was a good one, it was probably impractical as it required a lot of manpower and travelling a lot. In later years, Perodua revised the approach by setting up Tweckbot stations in various locations (petrol stations, R&R and shopping malls) and letting the public know where they were so they could come over for the inspection.

Perodua Tweckbot

This eliminated the need for communication via Twitter as the company used social media for publicity. The other media like motor magazines and websites also helped with the publicity as well.

MotaAuto on X {Twitter)

Perodua Tweckbot

Perodua Tweckbot

Around 1,000 vehicles inspected annually
The last time Perodua checked how many vehicles had received Tweckbot inspections, the number was found to be around 8,000 between 2011 and 2019. Even during the pandemic, Perodua had Tweckbot services at certain periods (when allowed to do so) with enhanced safety measures to protect the owners as well as the personnel.

Perodua Tweckbot
A post on social media publicising the free Tweckbot service in 2013.

What does Tweckbot mean?
As to the name, after 12 years, most people (even those in Perodua!) will probably have forgotten how it was created. Tweckbot is a combination of Twitter, check and robot. ‘Twitter’ and ‘check’ make sense but we’re not sure where the ‘robot’ comes in! Anyway, whatever it is, Perodua is to be commended for keeping this free service active for so long as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility activities.

Follow the Perodua Facebook or X (Twitter) pages to be informed of when Tweckbot services are available.

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