Cycle & Carriage contributes to developing talent in auto industry

Over the past few years (pandemic notwithstanding), the Malaysian car market has seen significant growth in its vehicle population. While many companies in the auto industry have been expanding their aftersales network of service centres, there is also a need to sufficient personnel for the new facilities.

Cycle & Carriage aftersales technicians

Cycle & Carriage, the dealership group which has been associated with Mercedes-Benz since 1951, has long ensured that it has a pool of skilled and qualified personnel at its aftersales centres. These personnel have high technical standards to ensure that customers vehicles are looked after in the best way possible.

The need for such personnel is ongoing and to maintain its pool of aftersales personnel, Cycle & Carriage recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ESnet Academy, a renowned automotive education institution in Ipoh. This is to create and enhance career opportunities and development initiatives for young professionals in the automotive industry.

The collaboration will foster an environment that nurtures talent and provides valuable yet practical opportunities for graduates interested in pursuing careers within the auto industry. Through this partnership, both organisations will work together to offer programmes and syllabus designed to support the professional growth and development of graduates both in the classroom and in the workshop.

Through the partnership, Cycle & Carriage will be providing study grants and internship opportunities for graduate students, conducting career development workshops, seminars or training sessions, facilitating networking opportunities between graduates and auto industry professionals, and exploring joint research or innovation projects related to automotive industry advancements.

Cycle & Carriage aftersales technicians

“At Cycle & Carriage, fostering talent is at the heart of our mission. We are dedicated to offer meaningful opportunities for graduates to embark on their automotive careers in line with our efforts to contribute to society under our ESG efforts,” said Thomas Tok, CEO of Cycle & Carriage Bintang.

“By nurturing young talent, we are investing in the future of the industry and empowering the next generation of professionals. Through our collaboration with ESnet Academy, we are building a supportive ecosystem where graduates can thrive and excel, driving innovation and success in the automotive sector,” he said.

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ESnet Academy will play a crucial role in this collaboration by recruiting young talents and offering an add-on body and paint modules tailored specifically for Cycle & Carriage in Malaysia as part of their syllabus. The syllabus is especially relevant as Cycle & Carriage operates a total of 5 body and paint workshops with the Mercedes-Benz accreditation status.

Both institutions have already initiated the first phases of their partnership and are actively working on implementing programs for mutual benefit. These efforts include project consultations, staff training initiatives, facilitating staff and student attachments, establishing knowledge base centres, and exploring additional areas of cooperation as agreed upon by both parties.

Cycle & Carriage aftersales technicians

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