ChargeSini network added to PRO-NET Hello smart app

Proton New Energy Technology (PRO-NET), the Malaysian carmaker’s subsidiary operating the smart franchise as well as future EV products from Proton, has been taking various initiatives to develop an efficient and functional ecosystem for EV owners. This is important in creating confidence to switch to an EV and accelerate adoption of zero-emission vehicles in line with the government’s direction.

Different apps for dfferent networks
One of the initiatives has been to enhance accessibility of the public EV charging infrastructure, ie make it easy to find charging stations everywhere in the country. As the charging stations are operated by different Charging Point Operators (CPOs), EV owners would need to install different apps in order to be able to locate as many charging stations as possible, as well as to make payments.

Hello smart app information showing EV charging stations can be mirrored on the vehicle’s navigation system as well.

This is troublesome and what PRO-NET has been doing is to consolidate the networks of different CPOs in its app known as HELLO smart. This means that when using the app, the EV owner will have information on the networks of different CPOs, greatly expanding the number of locations to go to.

The Hello smart app
With the Hello smart app and the car’s navigation system, the motorist can then head for the nearest charging station. The app also shows the type of station (AC or DC power supply) as well as its status and availability. This streamlined approach allows EV owners to manage their charging needs within a single, user-friendly platform.

ChargeSini station at a shopping centre in Selangor.

75% of charging stations shown
From the third quarter of 2024, the Hello smart app will show the networks of 4 CPOs, the latest being ChargeSini which recently signed an agreement forming an alliance with PRO-NET. The inclusion of ChargeSini, which has a substantial number of DC fast-chargers at hotels, supermarkets, and shopping malls, means that the app’s coverage is increased from 70% to over 75% of charging stations nationwide. The other networks shown are those of Gentari, chargeEV, and Jomcharge.

ChargeSini network
The ChargeSini network adds to the Hello smart app over 580 charging points, comprising more than 464 points with AC supply and over 120 points with DC fast-charging.

“Through the collaboration with ChargeSini, we reinforce our commitment to providing more convenient and reliable solutions for our customers. With the addition of ChargeSini’s network of EV chargers, the Hello smart app is currently the first and only app in Malaysia which provides the access to charging stations across 4 different CPOs,” said Zhang Qiang, Chief Executive Officer of PRO-NET.

“As we gear up for the launch of the smart #3 in the third quarter of this year, followed by Proton’s inaugural EV debut in 2025, this integration comes at a pivotal moment. PRO-NET remains committed to driving innovation, sustainability, and customer-centric solutions as we embark on this electrifying journey together. Our expanded network and strategic partnerships ensure that our customers can trust us to deliver more convenient and efficient solutions for their EV needs,” he added.

Seamless EV charging access in Malaysia and Singapore

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